
We all may (and should, at least try to be) better persons!

I have been wasting lots of time on the web recently..... I mean, I can't spend my life uploading the facebook homepage or looking at websites I know what I'll see on all day long. I guess in ancient times, when people didn't have that much free time, life was harder but human beings lived more in harmony with the earth, the used their time in a more productive way, most of them had to work hard just to survive and feed their families! For lots of us, at least in developed countries, this seems so far away, we think we're never going to run out of food or water, but in other parts of the world people are still fighting and starving. I guess we should, at least, devote some time to useful activities, I mean, I'm not saying we should go to the countryside and grow potatoes, but maybe we should talk with each other, read, study things that we like, spread knowledge and help other people, even just discuss with friends of relevant things like philosophy or what we expect from our future... I think this would help us make our lives more useful and interesting, more valuable, more worthy of living!
So stop reading here, go and do something better for your life! ^^

Mr. Badmouth


  1. lol I think before the industrial revolution people spent most of their time preparing food ... you had to be up early to start on the bread for instance. Now, if you were upper class and had lots of leisure time, well, they were just as good about wasting time as we are. Hunting, smoking, drinking, boxing, etc. for the men, sewing, painting, music, blah blah blah for the women.

  2. Yeah, you're right, but I think there were very few people in the upper class, most of them were workers and had no leisure time. Nowadays free time is much more spread, almost everybody has some! I agree with you that the rich wasted (and still do waste, I guess) much more time than we "normal people" do, but I feel much luckier than the ones who had to work hard all day long just to feed their family, so I feel kind of guilty wasting my time that way! :)
