
I still do sweeter than anything

I leave you with two beautiful and touching songs from two of my favourite singers. Tonight I'm particularly reflective and I'm loving emotional songs the best, so enjoy I still do from The Cranberries and Sweeter than anything from PJ.

I still do

Sweeter than anything

Good night

Mr. Badmouth


Life's hard...

We always try to do our best, but most often it's hardly enough, to ourselves before than to everybody else. My strictest judge is myself: we want to be superhumans, we'd all always like to be happy, but the way to happiness is hard and painful, otherwise happiness itself becomes normal and we are no more able to enjoy it.
Love who you are and think of what you do.

Mr. Badmouth


Long time no write....

Sorry if I hadn't posted anythin in the last few days, but I've been more busy I would ever imagine to.....
I had an oral exam on wednesday, but they have only been able to listen to 25 people out of 95, so I've studied lots and still have to take this hellish exam on monday (I hope).....
Then I had a lecture and a concert on thursday, so I really had no time to turn on the pc, except in the morning, when I was busy with my new manga translator "job".... As if I didn't have enough things to do.... I'm gonna go crazy..... :P
Hope you enjoyed your week and had some more free time than I did, I'll try to post something interesting in the next days, though next week's gonna be even worse I guess.....
Have a nice weekend!!!

Mr. Badmouth



A beautiful song from Alanis (Morissette) talking about all her past relationships and what she did learn  from every one of her ex-bfs. God, this song is soooo 90s! When I think of 90s it's the first thing which comes to my mind! Enjoy it!!! :)


Mr. Badmouth



After seeing some episodes of the anime on TV I fell in love with the anime Berserk, so I went on the web and watched the whole series in streaming. Being the end of the anime right in the middle of action, I was curious about how it was going on and started reading the manga online.
Really, the plot is very catchy, the drawings are nicely done and the characters are such you'll fall in love with them (at least with some of them ^^). The manga tells the story of Gatsu, a warrior following his terrible fate; it's settled in some fantasy-medieval milieu. If you are manga and/or fantasy fans you'll love it, but I suggest you should try to read it anyway! Some situations are really up to date, I leave you here a quote I loved about the church today:

"Most of the Holy See temples have been built destroying the sacred places of the religion of spirits. The present doctrine of the Holy See is nothing but a tool to show off its own authority. Speaking the name of god people keep on fighting and foolishly calling for help, without knowing that the key of salvation is hidden in the things they are trying to forget."

Mr. Badmouth


Never was a cornflake girl

Tori Amos performing one of her best (known) songs, Cornflake girl, at the concert I believe has been her all time best, the one for RAINN in '97.
Enjoy! <3 <3

Mr. Badmouth


We all may (and should, at least try to be) better persons!

I have been wasting lots of time on the web recently..... I mean, I can't spend my life uploading the facebook homepage or looking at websites I know what I'll see on all day long. I guess in ancient times, when people didn't have that much free time, life was harder but human beings lived more in harmony with the earth, the used their time in a more productive way, most of them had to work hard just to survive and feed their families! For lots of us, at least in developed countries, this seems so far away, we think we're never going to run out of food or water, but in other parts of the world people are still fighting and starving. I guess we should, at least, devote some time to useful activities, I mean, I'm not saying we should go to the countryside and grow potatoes, but maybe we should talk with each other, read, study things that we like, spread knowledge and help other people, even just discuss with friends of relevant things like philosophy or what we expect from our future... I think this would help us make our lives more useful and interesting, more valuable, more worthy of living!
So stop reading here, go and do something better for your life! ^^

Mr. Badmouth