
Lots of time

It's been ages since I wrote here last time!
Really, too many things to do all at once! This year's been terrific under this point of view! Guess I've made 10 times the things I've made in the rest of my life! :P Actually I'm partly lying as last summer I did nothing, though it wasn't a very nice time of my life, many ups and downs... more downs than ups I have to admit.
But since September 8 the journey of life has begun again. Now I really have too many things to care... exams, next year university choice, 4 months exchange in Canada, final work..... just not to mention the work I should be doing on myself, I'm trying to do on myself, I'm not sure I'm doing on myself, don't know.... you know, when you have just one person in mind, and you start looking around, but no one seems to make you feel the same things... guess it's just a matter of time... Sooo, hope to be able to update before leaving on Jan 1, but not that sure I'll be, I'll try! :)

Mr. Bm