
Bad timing...

Really, I've had such a plain and "boring" life until a few months ago.... and I started writing a blog when my life took a kinda "revolution", now that my friends know almost everything of what and who I am and I can freely speak with them of everything, I don't need anymore to use the web to open up totally and freely... and I must say it's wonderful!! Though this, besides having more things happening in the last few months than in 21 years of life!!, brought me to stop writing.... it's certainly something that makes you feel better! Everybody should have at least 1 or 2 persons whom you can talk of everything with, it's just a matter of empathy, finding someone who has lived experiences similar to yours and can understand you deeply, someone who knows you :)
And now, besides this, my life still is hard! Don't have anybody to aim at, don't know how and where to look for people that I have something in common with!! Where the hell are all these interesting men?
And, most important, what should I do with my future? With my life? A year from now, more or less, hoping everything's going for the best, I'm gonna have my bachelor in my hands, and...... ???? And then...???
Thick fog

Time will tell

Mr. Badmouth

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